Category: Blog

What Are The Requirements To Sell A Home Using An FHA Loan?

Before an owner can market a property to buyers that want to use a FHA loan, he will want to familiarize himself with the FHA’s standards. FHA won’t insure loans on just any property.

While their standards aren’t as stringent as they used to be, a home needs to be in ...

What To Know About Shopping For Mortgage Rates

Applying for a home loan can be an exciting process; however, this is a major financial decision. Therefore, potential homeowners need to make sure they understand how to shop for the best mortgage rate possible. A mortgage is usually a long-term loan, allowing potential homeowners to purchase a home using ...

What To Know About IRS Installment Agreements And Home Loans

When applying for financing, lenders want to make sure the client is going to pay back the balance of the loan. Therefore, they will look into pre-existing debt including credit card debt, student loans, car payments, and back taxes. Sometimes, applicants have IRS installment agreements. This is an agreement consumers ...